
Revolutionary full spectrum heating system offers the ultimate sauna experience

Experience the wellness benefits of a Jacuzzi® Infrared Sauna. The Infrared Spectrum helps you relax and de-stress with near, mid and far infrared wavelengths to provide a comprehensive sauna session. Feel your body absorb the infrared heat and be rewarded with a deeply relaxing sweat. Enjoy the comfort and ease of a relaxing sauna experience.

Health Benefits

Pain Relief

Infrared therapy has been shown to provide effective relief from various types of pain, including muscle aches, joint pain, and chronic pain conditions. The heat generated by infrared light helps to increase blood flow, promoting faster healing and reducing inflammation.

Relaxation & Stress Reduction

Infrared therapy induces a sense of relaxation by soothing tense muscles and promoting the release of endorphins, the body's natural feel-good hormones. The warmth generated by infrared light can also help reduce stress and tension, contributing to an overall sense of well-being.

Skin Health

Infrared therapy is know for promoting collagen production, which contributes to healthier and more youthful-looking skin. It can be beneficial for various skin conditions, including acne, eczema, and psoriasis, by improving blood flow and reducing inflammation.


· Before using your sauna for the first time, clean the inside of the sauna with a damp cloth.

· Unplug the sauna from the (wall) outlet before cleaning. Do not use liquid cleaners or aerosol cleansers inside the sauna. Use a damp cloth for cleaning.

· When cleaning the exterior, use your favorite furniture polish, applying with a dry cloth.

· To absorb perspiration during a sauna session, place a towel on the floor and on the bench. Be sure to remove them after the session is over to help maintain a clean and pleasant environment for your next session.

· Scratches and perspiration stains on the inside of the sauna can be removed by simply using a fine grade sandpaper. This action also renews the fresh cedar smell.

Note: Do not use any type of cleaning agents on the interior of the sauna.

Yes. The key to infrared therapy is heating your body core. You will find that you sweat more while sitting upright with your back lined up with the back-wall heaters, which are heating your body core from the back. This positions you in such a way that the front-wall heaters will be heating the front of your body core.

The ideal way to use any infrared sauna is to have the infrared heaters turned on the entire time during use.

Infrared heat is most effective at lower temperatures. Your Jacuzzi® Sauna is designed to heat your body more so than to heat the cabin (about 80% of the heat heats your body and 20% of the heat heats the sauna cabin). The following is our recommendation for use of your sauna:

1) Turn your sauna on and warm it up for about 10-15 minutes. The heaters in your sauna will reach their optimal operating temperature in this amount of time.

2) After this short warm-up time, enter the sauna and turn the thermostat up very high to ensure the heaters stay on continuously during your session. Generally, your infrared sauna session will range in temperature between 100 – 125°F.

3) Sit back and enjoy your sauna session. Since the key to infrared therapy is heating your body core, you will find that you sweat more sitting up in the sauna with your back lined up with the back wall heaters heating your body core from the back. This positions you in such a way that the front wall heaters will be heating your front body core.

4) During your session the temperature will slowly climb inside the sauna cabin. Remember, your Jacuzzi® Sauna is heating your body more so than heating the air.

5) Stay well hydrated. It is essential to stay well hydrated when using your sauna, because it is estimated that 70% of people are dehydrated. When you are dehydrated, your body holds on to water and will not allow you to sweat very much. It is recommended to drink water before you get in the sauna and bring a quart of water into the sauna with you and drink it during your session.

Don’t be fooled by other manufacturers that offer constant infrared heat by reducing the output of their heaters. At the reduced output you are not receiving optimal infrared heat.


This is not necessary. Humidity is not an issue with infrared saunas. If the sauna is exposed to an environment that has high salt density air, the metal parts like the door hinges need to be cleaned periodically.

No eye protection is necessary.

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